It’s been 30 years since Mancur Olson, wrote The Rise and Decline of Nations. The premise is the longer a society enjoys political stability, the more likely it is to develop powerful special interest groups that erode economic prosperity. His words have proven prescient as we witness Europe’s debt-burdened stagnation and degeneration of the U.S. […]
Going to court over Northern Gateway
Spurred by a landmark Supreme Court decision last month a number of B.C. First Nations are launching court challenges to stop the Northern Gateway pipeline. Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs Grand Chief Stewart Phillip told CBC, “when I am standing out on the land … shoulder to shoulder, it’s not going to be for a […]
Comment: Make Prince Rupert the terminus
The recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling should give pause to Enbridge to consider that Port of Prince Rupert as a viable alternative of its plan to build two pipelines from Bruderheim, northeast of Edmonton, to Kitimat, B.C. Certainly the ruling strengthens the hand of the many small native bands that fish the tributaries of […]
Comment: MP Speaks out in favour of pipelines
Re: Protestors disapprove pipeline decision (The News, June 20) While pipeline protesters are ideologically opposed to resource development, I think most people will agree that the only rational way for governments to deal with major development projects is to base those decisions on facts and expert scientific advice. That is why, four years ago, the […]
Comment: The Supreme Court rules on First Nations rights and Canadians duty
A Supreme Court decision in June has better defined what is meant, and owed to First Nations bands, by the term “aboriginal title” in this country. A long-sought victory for a collection of bands in central British Columbia has obvious implications for development on Crown land in areas not covered by treaty, most obviously the […]
Alberta Government studies Supreme Court on First Nations land rights
It’s a decision that could impact resource projects around the country. The Supreme Court justices ruled overwhelmingly in favour of giving the Tsilhqot’in First Nation in title to land in the interior of British Columbia. A lawyer, Larry Innes, who represents the Athabasca Chipewyan, a band downstream from the Fort McMurray region had this to […]
CAPP applauds Supreme Court decision for clearing up a muddy issue
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) is expecting greater clarity now when its members have business deals with First Nations. This is in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling 8-0 giving the Tsilhqot’in B.C. title to their land. A V.P. with CAPP, Alex Ferguson, told CBC the ruling should help project coordinators when […]