A recent opinion piece from a handful of construction unions — Northern Gateway pipeline needed to enrich us all — was long on rhetoric about the Northern Gateway pipeline and short on facts. According to the Alberta Federation of Labour, only 228 permanent jobs will be created from a pipeline opposed by 130 First Nations, […]
What category do you file this idea under?
Oil companies in Northern Alberta have used air cannons to scare birds from tailings ponds. The next step to “protecting” wildlife from being impacted by the oil industry might be setting off explosives to deter whales from swimming near any potential spill from tankers on the west coast. The Globe and Mail obtained documents outlining […]
Keystone XL economic benefit larger than expected?
The Keystone XL pipeline‘s supporters have long been touting the economic benefits of the project and now they have more ammunition for the ongoing fight. A study conducted by the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University, determined a close to 800 kilometre span of the pipeline has been a tremendous financial benefit for two […]
Comment: MP Speaks out in favour of pipelines
Re: Protestors disapprove pipeline decision (The News, June 20) While pipeline protesters are ideologically opposed to resource development, I think most people will agree that the only rational way for governments to deal with major development projects is to base those decisions on facts and expert scientific advice. That is why, four years ago, the […]
Comment: The Supreme Court rules on First Nations rights and Canadians duty
A Supreme Court decision in June has better defined what is meant, and owed to First Nations bands, by the term “aboriginal title” in this country. A long-sought victory for a collection of bands in central British Columbia has obvious implications for development on Crown land in areas not covered by treaty, most obviously the […]
Comment: Northern Gateway pipeline-risk versus reward
(excerpt from Gwyn Morgan commentary) The proposed Northern Gateway project has become a flashpoint for the growing debate about the safety of oil pipelines. Yet despite the arguments put forward by its proponents and opponents, many Canadians lack a broader perspective from which to measure the risks and rewards of what would be a vital […]
Safety first
It’s a plan that just makes sense. You wouldn’t want equipment on rigs that isn’t up to safety standards, so why would you want people who aren’t properly prepared to go to work. The International Association of Drilling Contractors has launched its Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) Competencies Program. The plan is to help ensure […]
Editorial: Former Greenpeace co-founder in favour of pipeline
Why am I supportive of the federal government’s recent decision to allow the Northern Gateway Pipeline project to move ahead, subject to tough conditions? As a lifelong environmentalist, I’m often asked myself that question. My answer begins with a single fact: there are a billion cars in the world that need oil products everyday. […]