Alberta’s strategy to address climate change has proven to be little more than “wishful thinking.” When the Alberta government introduced its Climate Change Strategy in 2008, the document was branded with the words “Responsibility, Leadership and Action” but eight years later – with greenhouse gas emissions nowhere close to meeting the provincial target – there’s […]
Comment: Canada is too small for U.S. to worry about
The headlines are ominous. Canada-U.S. relations have hit a “low ebb” and a “new low.” They are “frayed” and “strained.” Really? A longer-term view suggests recent tensions aren’t all that unusual. Strains over the Keystone XL pipeline, Buy American legislation, the Windsor-Detroit Bridge and a U.S. tax crackdown are typical of the ebb and flow […]
Comment: Foreign money working against pipelines
Now Northern Gateway has been approved by the federal government, it’s time to turn the page and wait for U.S. President Barack Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Obama’s supporters come from several interest groups, and the environmentalist movement is one of the largest. It contributed millions of dollars to his campaign, with the […]
Editorial: Harper government made wrong choice on Northern Gateway
It was an expected but devastating decision. The Harper government approved the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline — against the wishes of the majority of Canadians. But here’s the thing: there’s still time to stop the pipeline. Enbridge has stated its commitment to renew conversations with First Nations and other communities in the pathway of the pipeline. It […]
Northern Gateway approval good for Canada and the world
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and federal Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford have given their conditional approval to Enbridge Pipelines to construct the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Assuming that Enbridge can meet the 209 very stringent conditions, why wouldn’t they? Given recent events in the Middle East and the United State’s continued delays on granting a permit […]
What category do you file this idea under?
Oil companies in Northern Alberta have used air cannons to scare birds from tailings ponds. The next step to “protecting” wildlife from being impacted by the oil industry might be setting off explosives to deter whales from swimming near any potential spill from tankers on the west coast. The Globe and Mail obtained documents outlining […]
Keystone XL economic benefit larger than expected?
The Keystone XL pipeline‘s supporters have long been touting the economic benefits of the project and now they have more ammunition for the ongoing fight. A study conducted by the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University, determined a close to 800 kilometre span of the pipeline has been a tremendous financial benefit for two […]
Comment: MP Speaks out in favour of pipelines
Re: Protestors disapprove pipeline decision (The News, June 20) While pipeline protesters are ideologically opposed to resource development, I think most people will agree that the only rational way for governments to deal with major development projects is to base those decisions on facts and expert scientific advice. That is why, four years ago, the […]
Comment: Northern Gateway pipeline-risk versus reward
(excerpt from Gwyn Morgan commentary) The proposed Northern Gateway project has become a flashpoint for the growing debate about the safety of oil pipelines. Yet despite the arguments put forward by its proponents and opponents, many Canadians lack a broader perspective from which to measure the risks and rewards of what would be a vital […]
Comment: Ideological purity hurts U.S. economy
One thing all Americans agree on is the need to improve our economy. But as with so many other political issues, extremists in both parties are working against that mutual goal. Two issues that hurt the economy are lack of a rational energy policy and outdated immigration laws. Needed changes are resisted by the far […]