These are volatile times for the oil and natural gas industry. The impact on Albertans has been hard as thousands of jobs have been cut. Drilling and service rigs are idle. Tools are down in machine shops. More office spaces are empty. Restaurants are quieter. Economic activity across Alberta is slowing as uncertainty clouds the […]
What have we learned
If you wondered why the oil and gas industry has trouble finding qualified workers a new report released by Portage College sheds some light on the situation. Titled “Environmental Scan— Pipeline Industry“, and using figures from Statistics Canada, an analysis of job postings and interviews with Alberta pipeline companies was done to assess the needs of […]
Comment: Debunking the Myths of Hydrofracking
By now, you’ve probably heard of the term “fracking” and have a foggy understanding it has something to do with extracting natural gas from the ground. Unfortunately, the term has been spun to mean something new, unnatural, and rife with bad consequences. Greater independence from foreign oil, job creation, a cleaner environment and a much-needed […]
Chilling report on the Arctic
The Arctic appear to be the next target for the oil and gas industry. With up to a fifth of the world’s remaining reserves, it’s the single largest untapped region. There is a concern though, can the oil be extracted safely? The industry likes to remind us there are hundreds of deepwater wells that have […]
Something stinks!
There are plenty of beefs about the oil industry’s impact on climate change. Turns out livestock account for 70 percent more methane (a potent greenhouse gas) emissions than the oil and gas industry The finding, is part of a new study based on old data collected a decade ago. The findings indicate the U.S. Environmental […]
Pitch for drones in the oil and gas industry
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), more commonly known to the general public as drones, is seen as a major step forward in aerospace. The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) is suggesting the use of UAS could grow into a $140 billion dollar global market. In the oil and gas industry, the technology can be […]