A report released by the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States earlier this month on hydraulic fracturing has come out in support of the oil and gas industry. The report concludes the extraction process has “not led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water.” Having said that, it is also acknowledged there’s plenty of […]
Is there a link between fracking and earthquakes?
Over the last few years, Oklahoma has experienced an insane uptick in earthquakes. The count went from just a couple per year back in the mid-2000s to over a thousand in 2010. Those numbers grew alongside a boom in the state’s natural gas drilling industry. There is now a heap of peer-reviewed research finding that […]
Comment: Fracking debate – against it
Here is part two in a letter writing debate that occurred in the Baltimore Sun. The topic is fracking. It’s a process used in the oil and gas industry to extract the resources from hard to get to places. The industry touts its benefits and those against it are afraid of it’s negative effects. Unless […]
Comment: Debunking the Myths of Hydrofracking
By now, you’ve probably heard of the term “fracking” and have a foggy understanding it has something to do with extracting natural gas from the ground. Unfortunately, the term has been spun to mean something new, unnatural, and rife with bad consequences. Greater independence from foreign oil, job creation, a cleaner environment and a much-needed […]
Comment: Fracking and water don’t mix
The recent “facts” on the dangers of fracking cannot be allowed to be glossed over by those with a financial interest in the production of LNG. Anyone who believes there is no risk to the water table and our drinking water must be living in la la land. The chemicals used contain volatile compounds such […]
Comment: Fracking has never contaminated drinking water
Claims that hydraulic fracturing has contaminated drinking water are not supported by the facts. In truth, provincial regulations and industry operating practices work to protect drinking water aquifers and surface water. Data collected by the BC Oil and Gas Commission, the provincial regulator, shows none of the approximately 9,000 wells hydraulically fractured in the province […]